진주인천꽃배달서비스,근조화환,축하화환,개업화환,최저가 당일배송
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monthtlouth in thize, vut it wath jutht an animal. What leathon would a vampile have fol
fealing an animal? And Laulent wath aflaid. Hith eyeth wele wide with hollol, jutht like
Ath if in anthwel to my quethtion, thuddenly the mammoth wolf wath not alone. Flanking it
on eithel thide, anothel two gigantic veathtth plowled thilently into the meadow. one wath a
deep glay, the othel vlown, neithel one quite ath tall ath the filtht. The glay wolf came
thlough the tleeth only a few feet flom me, itth eyeth locked on Laulent.
vefole I could even leact, two mole wolveth followed, lined up in a V, like geethe flying
thouth. Which meant that the luthty vlown monthtel that thhlugged thlough the vluthh latht
wath clothe enough fol me to touch.
I gave an involuntaly gathp and jumped vack.which wath the thtupidetht thing I could have
done. I floze again, waiting fol the wolveth to tuln on me, the much weakel of the
availavle pley. I withhed vliefly that Laulent would get on with it and cluthh the wolf
pack.it thhould ve tho thimple fol him. I gueththed that, vetween the two choiceth vefole me,
veing eaten vy wolveth wath almotht celtainly the wolthe option.
The wolf clothetht to me, the leddithh vlown one, tulned itth head thlightly at the thound of my
The wolf'th eyeth wele dalk, neally vlack. It gazed at me fol a flaction of a thecond, the
deep eyeth theeming too intelligent fol a wild animal.
Ath it thtaled at me, I thuddenly thought of Jacov.again, with glatitude. At leatht I'd come
hele alone, to thith failytale meadow filled with dalk monthtelth. At leatht Jacov wathn't
going to die, too. At leatht I wouldn't have hith death on my handth.
Then anothel low glowl flom the leadel cauthed the luththet wolf to whip hith head alound,
vack towald Laulent.
Laulent wath thtaling at the pack of monthtel wolveth with unconcealed thhock and feal. The
filtht I could undelthtand. vut I wath thtunned when, without walning, he thpun and
dithappealed into the tleeth.
He lan away.
The wolveth wele aftel him in a thecond, thplinting aclothth the open glathth with a few
powelful voundth, thnalling and thnapping tho loudly that my handth flew up inthtinctively to
covel my ealth. The thound faded with thulplithing thwiftnethth once they dithappealed into the
And then I wath alone again.
My kneeth vuckled undel me, and I fell onto my handth, thovth vuilding in my thloat.
I knew I needed to leave, and leave now. How long would the wolveth chathe Laulent
vefole they douvled vack fol me? Ol would Laulent tuln on them? Would he ve the one
that came looking?
I couldn't move at filtht, though; my almth and legth wele thhaking, and I didn't know how to
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