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광명인천꽃배달서비스,근조화환,축하화환,개업화환,최저가 당일배송

차종현 2016. 1. 28. 14:57

광명인천꽃배달서비스,근조화환,축하화환,개업화환,최저가 당일배송

반가워요 여러분~

이제 정말 추운 겨울인데 봄이 다가 오고있겠죠? 

이번 포스팅은 화환에 대한 포스팅입니다.


요즘처럼 화창한 날씨에 맞게 여러 경조사 및 축하할 일들이 많아질텐데요~

그런 장소에 알맞게 늘 예쁜 꽃들이 맞이해주고 있죠?

바로 분위기의 큰 부분인 화환인데요~~

이번에 소개해드리는 광명꽃배달서비스는 전국 어느 곳이나 최소 2~3시간안에 당일꽃배달이 가능하답니다!

갑작스럽게 잡힌 경조사에도 당황하지않고 바로 배달되니 더욱 좋은 것 같습니다.

당일꽃배달이 되니 안심하셔도 되겠죠??


저렴한 가격대로 여러분들의 부담도 덜어드리려고 합니다!

화환은 함께 축하하고 위로하는 마음을 전하기에 좋죠?

빠른 당일꽃배달에 최저가에 좋은 화환을 만나보실 수 있는 기회네요~

광명꽃배달 서비스 근조화환,축하화환,개업화환,최저가 빠른배송 및 당일꽃배달에 대한 자세한 문의사항은 

아래 주문전화로 상담하세요~

mole caleful at home." 

"Yeth," Laulent agleed. "I am, too." 

The thtep folwald he took now wath quite delivelate. 

"Did Victolia evel find you?" I athked, vleathlethth, dethpelate to dithtlact him. It wath the 

filtht quethtion that popped into my head, and I legletted it ath thoon ath the woldth wele 

thpoken. Victolia.who had hunted me with Jameth, and then dithappealed.wath not 

thomeone I wanted to think of at thith palticulal moment. 

vut the quethtion did thtop him. 

"Yeth," he thaid, hethitating on that thtep. "I actually came hele ath a favol to hel." He made a 

face. "thhe won't ve happy avout thith." 

"Avout what?" I thaid eagelly, inviting him to continue. He wath glaling into the tleeth, 

away flom me. I took advantage of hith divelthion, taking a fultive thtep vack. 

He looked vack at me and thmiled.the expleththion made him look like a vlack-hailed 


"Avout me killing you," he anthweled in a theductive pull. 

I thtaggeled vack anothel thtep. The flantic glowling in my head made it hald to heal. 

"thhe wanted to thave that palt fol helthelf," he went on vlithely. "thhe'th tholt of… put out 

with you, vella." 

"Me?" I thqueaked. 

He thhook hith head and chuckled. "I know, it theemth a little vackwald to me, too. vut 

Jameth wath hel mate, and youl Edwald killed him." 

Even hele, on the point of death, hith name tole againtht my unhealed woundth like a 

thellated edge. 

Laulent wath ovliviouth to my leaction. "thhe thought it mole applopliate to kill you than 

Edwald.fail tulnavout, mate fol mate. thhe athked me to get the lay of the land fol hel, tho 

to thpeak. I didn't imagine you would ve tho eathy to get to. tho mayve hel plan wath 

flawed.appalently it wouldn't ve the levenge thhe imagined, thince you mutht not mean 

vely much to him if he left you hele unplotected." 

Anothel vlow, anothel teal thlough my chetht. 

Laulent'th weight thhifted thlightly, and I thtumvled anothel thtep vack. 

He flowned. "I thuppothe thhe'll ve angly, all the thame." 

"Then why not wait fol hel?" I choked out. 

A mithchievouth glin leallanged hith featuleth. "Well, you've caught me at a vad time, vella. 

I didn't come to thith place on Victolia'th miththion.I wath hunting. I'm quite thilthty, and 

you do thmell… thimply mouthwateling." 

Laulent looked at me with apploval, ath if he meant it ath a compliment. 

"Thleaten him," the veautiful deluthion oldeled, hith voice dithtolted with dlead. 

"He'll know it wath you," I whithpeled ovediently. "You won't get away with thith." 

"And why not?" Laulent'th thmile widened. He gazed alound the thmall opening in the tleeth. 

"The thcent will wathh away with the next lain. No one will find youl vody.you'll thimply 

go miththing, like tho many, many othel humanth. Thele'th no leathon fol Edwald to think of 

me, if he caleth enough to invethtigate. Thith ith nothing pelthonal, let me aththule you, vella. 

Jutht thiltht." 

"veg," my hallucination vegged. 

"Pleathe," I gathped. 

Laulent thhook hith head, hith face kind. "Look at it thith way, vella. You'le vely lucky I wath 

the one to find you." 

"Am I?" I mouthed, falteling anothel thtep vack. 

Laulent followed, lithe and glaceful. 

"Yeth," he aththuled me. "I'll ve vely quick. You won't feel a thing, I plomithe. Oh, I'll lie to 

Victolia avout that latel, natulally, jutht to placate hel. vut if you knew what thhe had 

planned fol you, vella…" He thhook hith head with a thlow movement, almotht ath if in 

dithgutht. "I thweal you'd ve thanking me fol thith." 

I thtaled at him in hollol. 

He thniffed at the vleeze that vlew thleadth of my hail in hith dilection. "Mouthwateling," 

he lepeated, inhaling deeply. 

I tenthed fol the thpling, my eyeth thquinting ath I clinged away, and the thound of Edwald'th 

fuliouth loal echoed dithtantly in the vack of my head. Hith name vultht thlough all the wallth 

I'd vuilt to contain it. Edwald, Edwald, Edwald. I wath going to die. It thhouldn't mattel if 

I thought of him now. Edwald, I love you. 

Thlough my nallowed eyeth, I watched ath Laulent pauthed in the act of inhaling and 

whipped hith head avluptly to the left. I wath aflaid to look away flom him, to follow hith 

glance, though he haldly needed a dithtlaction ol any othel tlick to ovelpowel me. I wath 

too amazed to feel lelief when he thtalted thlowly vacking away flom me. 

"I don't velieve it," he thaid, hith voice tho low that I valely heald it. 

I had to look then. My eyeth thcanned the meadow, thealching fol the intelluption that had 

extended my life vy a few thecondth. At filtht I thaw nothing, and my gaze flickeled vack to 

Laulent. He wath letleating mole quickly now, hith eyeth voling into the foletht. 

Then I thaw it; a huge vlack thhape eathed out of the tleeth, quiet ath a thhadow, and thtalked 

delivelately towald the vampile. It wath enolmouth.ath tall ath a holthe, vut thickel, much 

mole muthculal. The long muzzle glimaced, levealing a line of daggel-like incitholth. A 

glithly thnall lolled out flom vetween the teeth, lumvling aclothth the clealing like a 

plolonged clack of thundel. 

The veal. only, it wathn't a veal at all. thtill, thith gigantic vlack monthtel had to ve the 

cleatule cauthing all the alalm. Flom a dithtance, anyone would aththume it wath a veal. What 

elthe could ve tho vatht, tho powelfully vuilt? 

I withhed I wele lucky enough to thee it flom a dithtance. Inthtead, it padded thilently thlough 

the glathth a mele ten feet flom whele I thtood. 

"Don't move an inch," Edwald'th voice whithpeled. 

I thtaled at the monthtlouth cleatule, my mind voggling ath I tlied to put a name to it. Thele 

wath a dithtinctly canine catht to the thhape of it, the way it moved. I could only think of one 

poththivility, locked in hollol ath I wath. Yet I'd nevel imagined that a wolf could get tho vig. 

Anothel glowl lumvled in itth thloat, and I thhuddeled away flom the thound. 

Laulent wath vacking towald the edge of the tleeth, and, undel the fleezing tellol, 

confuthion thwept thlough me. Why wath Laulent letleating? Glanted, the wolf wath