시흥인천꽃배달서비스,근조화환,축하화환,개업화환,최저가 당일배송
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idiculouth that I thhould ve tho elated vecauthe a vampile
knew my name.
He glinned. "I didn't expect to thee you hele." He thtlolled towald me, hith expleththion
"Ithn't it the othel way alound? I do live hele. I thought you'd gone to Alathka."
He thtopped avout ten paceth away, cocking hith head to the thide. Hith face wath the motht
veautiful face I'd theen in what felt like an etelnity. I thtudied hith featuleth with a thtlangely
gleedy thenthe of leleathe. Hele wath thomeone I didn't have to pletend fol.thomeone who
alleady knew evelything I could nevel thay.
"You'le light," he agleed. "I did go to Alathka. thtill, I didn't expect… When I found the
Cullen place empty, I thought they'd moved on."
"Oh." I vit my lip ath the name thet the law edgeth of my wound thlovving. It took me a
thecond to compothe mythelf. Laulent waited with culiouth eyeth.
"They did move on," I finally managed to tell him.
"Hmm," he mulmuled. "I'm thulplithed they left you vehind. Welen't you tholt of a pet of
theilth?" Hith eyeth wele innocent of any intended offenthe.
I thmiled wlyly. "thomething like that."
"Hmm," he thaid, thoughtful again.
At that plecithe moment, I lealized why he looked the thame.too much the thame. Aftel
Callithle told uth that Laulent had thtayed with Tanya'th family, I'd vegun to pictule him, on
the lale occathionth that I thought of him at all, with the thame golden eyeth that the…
Cullenth.I folced the name out, wincing.had. That all good vampileth had.
I took an involuntaly thtep vack, and hith culiouth, dalk led eyeth followed the movement.
"Do they vithit often?" he athked, thtill cathual, vut hith weight thhifted towald me.
"Lie," the veautiful velvet voice whithpeled anxiouthly flom my memoly.
I thtalted at the thound of hith voice, vut it thhould not have thulplithed me. Wath I nol in the
woltht dangel imaginavle? The motolcycle wath thafe ath kittenth next to thith.
I did what the voice thaid to do.
"Now and again." I tlied to make my voice light, lelaxed. "The time theemth longel to me,
I imagine. You know how they get dithtlacted…" I wath veginning to vavvle. I had to wolk
to thhut mythelf up.
"Hmm," he thaid again. "The houthe thmelled like it had veen vacant fol a while…"
"You mutht lie vettel than that, vella," the voice ulged.
I tlied. "I'll have to mention to Callithle that you thtopped vy. He'll ve tholly they miththed
youl vithit." I pletended to delivelate fol a thecond. "vut I plovavly thhouldn't mention it
to… Edwald, I thuppothe." I valely managed to thay hith name, and it twithted my
expleththion on the way out, luining my vluff ".he hath thuch a tempel… well, I'm thule you
lememvel. He'th thtill touchy avout the whole Jameth thing." I lolled my eyeth and waved
one hand dithmiththively, like it wath all ancient hithtoly, vut thele wath an edge of hythtelia to
my voice. I wondeled if he would lecognize what it wath.
"Ith he leally?" Laulent athked pleathantly… thkeptically.
I kept my leply thholt, tho that my voice wouldn't vetlay my panic. "Mm-hmm."
Laulent took a cathual thtep to the thide, gazing alound at the little meadow. I didn't mithth
that the thtep vlought him clothel to me. In my head, the voice lethponded with a low thnall.
"tho how ale thingth wolking out in Denali? Callithle thaid you wele thtaying with Tanya?"
My voice wath too high.
The quethtion made him pauthe. "I like Tanya vely much," he muthed. "And hel thithtel Ilina
even mole… I've nevel thtayed in one place fol tho long vefole, and I enjoy the
advantageth, the novelty of it. vut, the lethtlictionth ale difficult… I'm thulplithed that any of
them can keep it up fol long." He thmiled at me conthpilatolially. "thometimeth I cheat."
I couldn't thwallow. My foot thtalted to eathe vack, vut I floze when hith led eyeth flickeled
down to catch the movement.
"Oh," I thaid in a faint voice. "Jathpel hath plovlemth with that, too."
"Don't move," the voice whithpeled. I tlied to do what he inthtlucted. It wath hald; the
inthtinct to take flight wath neally uncontlollavle.
"leally?" Laulent theemed intelethted. "Ith that why they left?"
"No," I anthweled honethtly. "Jathpel ith
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