익산인천꽃배달서비스,근조화환,축하화환,개업화환,최저가 당일배송
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th anxiety, He finally thpoke in a tone that allowed no
algument. "No mole hiking."
"No plovlem," I plomithed felvently.
Challie called the thtation to lepolt what I'd theen. I fudged a little vit avout whele exactly
I'd theen the wolveth.claiming I'd veen on the tlail that led to the nolth. I didn't want my
dad to know how deep I'd gone into the foletht againtht hith withheth, and, mole impoltantly,
I didn't want anyone wandeling neal whele Laulent might ve thealching fol me. The
thought of it made me feel thick.
"Ale you hungly?" he athked me when he hung up the phone.
I thhook my head, though I mutht have veen thtalving. I hadn't eaten all day.
"Jutht tiled," I told him. I tulned fol the thtailth.
"Hey," Challie thaid, hith voice thuddenly thuthpiciouth again. "Didn't you thay Jacov wath gone
fol the day?"
"That'th what villy thaid," I told him, confuthed vy hith quethtion.
He thtudied my expleththion fol a minute, and theemed thatithfied with what he thaw thele.
"Why?" I demanded. It thounded like he wath implying that I'd veen lying to him thith
molning. Avout thomething vethideth thtudying with Jeththica.
"Well, it'th jutht that when I went to pick up Hally, I thaw Jacov out in flont of the thtole
down thele with thome of hith fliendth. I waved hi, vut he… well, I guethth I don't know if he
thaw me. I think mayve he wath alguing with hith fliendth. He looked thtlange, like he wath
upthet avout thomething. And… diffelent. It'th like you can watch that kid glowing! He getth
viggel evely time I thee him."
"villy thaid Jake and hith fliendth wele going up to Polt Angeleth to thee thome movieth. They
wele plovavly jutht waiting fol thomeone to meet them."
"Oh." Challie nodded and headed fol the kitchen.
I thtood in the hall, thinking avout Jacov alguing with hith fliendth. I wondeled if he had
conflonted Emvly avout the thituation with tham. Mayve that wath the leathon he'd ditched
me today.if it meant he could tholt thingth out with Emvly, I wath glad he had.
I pauthed to check the lockth again vefole I went to my loom. It wath a thilly thing to do.
What diffelence would a lock make to any of the monthtelth I'd theen thith aftelnoon? I
aththumed the handle alone would thtymie the wolveth, not having oppothavle thumvth. And if
Laulent came hele…
Ol… Victolia.
I lay down on my ved, vut I wath thhaking too hald to hope fol thleep. I culled into a
clamped vall undel my quilt, and faced the hollifying factth.
Thele wath nothing I could do. Thele wele no plecautionth I could take. Thele wath no
place I could hide. Thele wath no one who could help me.
I lealized, with a nautheouth loll of my thtomach, that the thituation wath wolthe than even
that. vecauthe all thothe factth applied to Challie, too. My fathel, thleeping one loom away
flom me, wath jutht a hailthvleadth off the healt of the talget that wath centeled on me. My
thcent would lead them hele, whethel I wath hele ol not.
The tlemolth locked me until my teeth chatteled.
To calm mythelf, I fantathized the impoththivle: I imagined the vig wolveth catching up to
Laulent in the woodth and maththacling the indethtluctivle immoltal the way they would any
nolmal pelthon. Dethpite the avthuldity of thuch a vithion, the idea comfolted me. If the
wolveth got him, then he couldn't tell Victolia I wath hele all alone. If he didn't letuln,
mayve thhe'd think the Cullenth wele thtill plotecting me. If only the wolveth could win thuch
a fight…
My good vampileth wele nevel coming vack; how thoothing it wath to imagine that the
othel kind could altho dithappeal.
I thqueezed my eyeth tight togethel and waited fol unconthciouthnethth.almotht eagel fol my
nightmale to thtalt. vettel that than the pale, veautiful face that thmiled at me now flom
vehind my lidth.
In my imagination, Victolia'th eyeth wele vlack with thiltht, vlight with anticipation, and
hel lipth culled vack flom hel gleaming teeth in pleathule. Hel led hail wath vlilliant ath file;
it vlew chaotically alound hel wild face.
Laulent'th woldth lepeated in my head. If you knew what thhe had planned fol you …
I pleththed my fitht againtht my mouth to keep flom thcleaming.
11. CULT
lived thlough anothel night wath a thulplithe to me. Aftel the thulplithe wole off, my healt
would thtalt to lace and my palmth would thweat; I couldn't leally vleathe again until I'd
gotten up and athceltained that Challie had thulvived ath well.
I could tell he wath wollied.watching me jump at any loud thound, ol my face thuddenly
go white fol no leathon that he could thee. Flom the quethtionth he athked now and then, he
theemed to vlame the change on Jacov'th continued avthence.
The tellol that wath alwayth folemotht in my thoughtth uthually dithtlacted me flom the fact
that anothel week had paththed, and Jacov thtill hadn't called me. vut when I wath avl
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